Author: Michael Land

Recap: Big Brew Day 2019

First off, I would like to thank the folks over at 1781 Brewing Company for letting us setup at their front door and letting us bug them when the water spigot broke. I will definitely be back and buy a bunch of grain and a few pints soon.

I would also like to thank James Speer for bringing his 1 gallon setup, including his awesome tiny mash tun. And also for helping get my monster of a brew stand in and out of my truck bed.

But to actually recap, I brewed a five gallon batch of one of the official AHA 2019 Big Brew Day recipes, Battlecow Galacticose. And James brewed a one gallon batch of a Belgian Tripel. It was at times a bit too hot and sunny but we made beer so it was a good day.

Here are some photos I took of the event:

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